Baldwin Consulting Services, LLC

Continuity Management and Technology Services – News Reblog

Business continuity and the smaller business

Commitment to resilience is often a reflection of senior management’s perception, and unless a major disruption has affected them or someone they know, it has to fight for attention. It’s understandable. As an entrepreneur, if I can’t see percentage points on the bottom line, you have little chance in securing my vote for funding. My appetite for risk-taking acts as an over-ride and I’d rather see the cash invested in productivity or growth, or taken as profit. Ask me to budget for an annual sizeable sum with no apparent return on investment and I’ll politely decline.

However, despite this, my business does have a budget and we do assign resource for business continuity. We don’t feel BCM is aimed solely at larger firms or that we’re wasting money because the risks are so low. We own a continuity plan that works and matures alongside the business. So how do we justify this?
