Three critical vulnerabilities in the ServiceNow IT service management platform have been disclosed and reported to have been under active...
Information Security
As it turned out, a partner of the company had its personal device compromised, and used by the threat actors...
The amendments will become effective 60 days after publication in the Federal Register. Larger entities will have 18 months after...
It's important to keep in mind that recovering from an attack is not the same as disaster recovery or business...
The phishing kit is also evolving, with updates to Tycoon 2FA in February said to have enhanced its capabilities by...
Throughout CSF 2.0, NIST recommendations dovetail with SaaS security needs. Govern, the new function, addresses issues relating to the democratization...
In a tabletop exercise, a team discusses their roles and responses during an emergency under different scenarios, typically with someone...
"The uncovered operation involves the manipulation of thousands of hijacked sub-domains belonging to or affiliated with big brands," head of...
While addressing the incident, Cloudflare's staff rotated all production credentials (over 5,000 unique ones), physically segmented test and staging systems,...
The new cybersecurity mandates make no distinction between data exposed in a breach that was stored on-premise, in the cloud,...