(COLUMBUS BUSINESS FIRST) — The Bravo and Brio restaurant chains may close dozens of locations permanently. Article Link
Continuity Management
"I wanted to give you an indication that we’re working just as hard, just as hard, on how we come...
New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi called on all ministries to prepare business continuity plans to mitigate the impact of...
This is the first known outbreak of the virus, and scientists are still learning about it. In what is believed...
Work culture demands constant face-to-face interaction, partly to show respect. Employees typically are judged on the hours they put in...
So practically speaking, a BCP informs your business with the steps to be taken to ensure key products and services...
Disaster Recovery (DR) lends itself to Technology. Think of it as a subset of Business Continuity with the focus on...
While it’s natural to feel nervous about what’s to come, there are steps you can take today to minimize the...
We’ve got a bad habit of paying attention to pandemics only when it’s too late. Article Link
Federal guidelines give state and local authorities leeway in what they consider "essential" businesses during an emergency. But in general,...